Title: 'Speak Like a Child' colaborative mural with EL MAC
Client: Allan Jefferies Framing
Exterior mural intervention. Painted May, 2023
Coordinator: Allan Jefferies, El Mac & Gina Cantor & Sean Martinez.
Location: 8301 W 3rd St, Los Angeles, CA
Details: Acrylic polymer paint and aerosol on plaster. 60’w x 15’h
“Clearly this music doesn’t sound too much like what’s going on today—war, riots, the stock market getting busted up. And the reason it doesn’t, I realized, is that I’m optimistic. I believe in hope and peace and love. It’s not that I’m blind to what’s going on, but I feel this music is a forward look into what could be a bright future. The philosophy represented in this number, and to a large extent in the album as a whole, is child-like. But not childish. By that I mean there are certain elements of childhood we lose and wish we could have back—purity, spontaneity. When they do return to us, we're at our best. So what I'm telling the world is: 'Speak like a child. Think and feel in terms of hope and the possibilities of making ourselves less impure.' “
-Herbie Hancock, 1968 (Liner notes for “Speak Like a Child”)