Title: Emerald Allegory by Augustine Kofie & AiseBorn
Client: Ralph Ziman for The Rendon project
Colaborative exterior mural intervention, Spring 2018
Coordinator: Ralph Ziman and Cindy of Cartwheel Art in conjunction with the Art at The Rendon project.
Location: 7th street side of the Rendon Hotel, Downtown Los Angeles, CA.
Details: Acrylic polymer and aerosol on wood and brick. 12’h x 33’w
Client: Ralph Ziman for The Rendon project
Colaborative exterior mural intervention, Spring 2018
Coordinator: Ralph Ziman and Cindy of Cartwheel Art in conjunction with the Art at The Rendon project.
Location: 7th street side of the Rendon Hotel, Downtown Los Angeles, CA.
Details: Acrylic polymer and aerosol on wood and brick. 12’h x 33’w