Title: Patek-Ecklon or Circulations in the Tenderloin
Exterior mural intervention during my solo show ‘Structurally Sound’, September 2013
Coordinator: Poisia, Graffuturism & Derek Chamberlain.
Location: Corner of Larkin & Post in the Tenderloin district of San Francisco, CA. [Mural is no longer on sight]
Details: Acrylic polymer and enamel spray paint on primed brick and cinderblock, original signage. 34’w x 18’h. Assistance by Michael Covington.
Exterior mural intervention during my solo show ‘Structurally Sound’, September 2013
Coordinator: Poisia, Graffuturism & Derek Chamberlain.
Location: Corner of Larkin & Post in the Tenderloin district of San Francisco, CA. [Mural is no longer on sight]
Details: Acrylic polymer and enamel spray paint on primed brick and cinderblock, original signage. 34’w x 18’h. Assistance by Michael Covington.