Title: Etxe Hautsi [House Break in Basque] by LX.One & A.Kofie of Agents Of Change
Client: La Palissade
Collaborative exterior mural intervention. March, 2018
Coordinator: Alban MORLOT of Space Junk Art Centers & La Palissade.
Location: Quai Galuperie, Bayonne, Nouvelle-Aquitaine along the Nive river. [Mural is no longer on sight]
Details: Acrylic polymer and aerosol on primed wood. 18 x 4 meters | 60’w x 13’h
Photo: Damien Dohmen
Client: La Palissade
Collaborative exterior mural intervention. March, 2018
Coordinator: Alban MORLOT of Space Junk Art Centers & La Palissade.
Location: Quai Galuperie, Bayonne, Nouvelle-Aquitaine along the Nive river. [Mural is no longer on sight]
Details: Acrylic polymer and aerosol on primed wood. 18 x 4 meters | 60’w x 13’h
Photo: Damien Dohmen