Title: ‘Monument of Love: Mother and Child’ by El Mac, Augustine Kofie & AiseBorn

Client: Destination Crenshaw & the Good Shepherd Manor  

Exterior mural intervention. Painted Spring - Summer, 2024

Coordinator: Destination Crenshaw

Location: 3300 W Vernon Ave, Leimert Park Village, Los Angeles, California.

Details: Acrylic polymer paint and aerosol enamel paint on cinderblock. 110' x 60'. Los Angeles City Arts Council approved and protected mural.

Photos: Zane of Chop 'Em Down Films.

Monument of Love: Mother and Child was created by three members of United to Inspire Collective (UTI): Augustine Kofie, AiseBorn (Jacori Perry), and El Mac (Miles MacGregor).

They are friends with a history of collaboration on public murals around Los Angeles and the United States. They create in the spirit of jazz musicians—each bringing their unique individual styles to a unified aesthetic sense and shared philosophy regarding ethical, soulful public art.

In this mural contribution, the artists pay homage to the great Los Angeles artist Charles White (1918–1979) and his “mother and child” series. The 100-foot-tall mural features a black-and-white image of a mother holding up her son, looking out over the Crenshaw district with pride and determination. The two are crowned by an ornate, richly pigmented halo of flowers that exalt the figures, and by extension, the mothers, caregivers, and children of Crenshaw and beyond.